Good Juicing

We all know the importance of staying hydrated and why it’s so important and crucial to our body. I am not a doctor but I spent a lot of time understanding and documenting my body and how it regulates so I can have some decent idea of the things that my body tolerates and the things that are intolerable to it.

I live in a hot climate and so staying dehydrated is a must for me and my family. We enjoy drinking water but also find it fun to infuse our water with fresh fruits and herbs. We enjoy having tea during the cold and hot weather but also making fresh juices as well. Something that I find very helpful for me and my family is making immune boosting juices using items like fresh ginger, green apples, kiwi, pomegranate, celery, pineapple, kale, carrots and many more. When I’m not feeling well or my family member is sick I normally cook a warm pot of soup packed with vegetables and sometimes a mix of protein of some sort. We also drink a lot of immune boosting juice during this time.

The juice I normally make for when I’m feeling sick or tired is very different from the juice that I make for daily consumption. The difference is that the immune boost juicing (is what I call it) is concentrated without the use of any added sugar or sweeteners, with small and sometimes no added water. In the above photo I used green apples, fresh ginger, kiwi and pineapple, pressed and put them into 2 oz bottles. I normally will drink this juice if I’m sick and also if I’ve been too busy to actually sit and eat my fresh fruits. Keep in mind that fruits are also high in sugar and so please consult your medical advisor before trying out this recipe. Personally, this works for me because it keeps me hydrated, supplies the immune boost that my body needs and it’s a good source of vitamins for me. I try to keep things around me as natural as possible and that includes eating healthy, staying hydrated and growing my own fruits and vegetables to minimize the unwanted chemical intake in my body. While I enjoy drinking these juices I still set a reminder to have my daily portion of fruits and vegetables to eat.

Juicing is also a fun way to play around with flavors and utilizing excess fruits and vegetables that you may have in your kitchen, instead of throwing them away you can simply juice them up. It saves you money and time plus you don’t have to feel bad by throwing away your old fruits and vegetables. Give it a go and you can also use fruits and vegetables of your choice. Leafy greens may taste odd but are beneficial. It’s very important to wash your hands and fruits and vegetables before consumption. Cleaning your jars and sterilizing them is a must!  Please remember to get advice from your medical professional to get the right guidance that applies to you or your family. 

🌻 Remember if you are healthy and alive then life is good!