Homemade strawberry and mint lemonade

 This is great a satisfaction in creating something from scratch and picking your own produce. We have a lemon tree at home, and this tree is unique in so many ways. It grows juicy, vibrant yellow lemons, with lots of zesty oily skin! The lemons starts growing in Spring, and they are ready for harvest between November to February. We are lucky to live around farmlands with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. We usually go strawberry picking, which is always fun for me and my family. This tasty summer drink will be a great choice on a hot sunny day. All you need to do is, juice the lemons, boiled the lemon skin with some sugar to make the syrup, we added some fresh mint from our garden to the syrup. The mint adds an extra level of test to it and gives a refreshing layer. Blend the cool syrup and lemon juice in a bowl. Puree the fresh strawberries and add to the other ingredients, mix well and sieve and let it chill in the refrigerator. Garnish as desire. Cheers!